Unthinkable: (Unstoppable - Book 2) (The Unstoppable Series) Page 3
“Don’t need to. Mine’s bigger. Ask anyone… except Riley. She’s a fucking unreliable source.”
I rolled my eyes as I reached my car and wrapped my hand around the handle. Tugging it open, I turned back to Leon and tilted my head. “You seem to have an unhealthy interest in your friend’s sex life, Bradshaw. Might want to look into that.”
He scowled down at me, edging a step closer, but before he could say anything, I lowered my gaze to his groin and tsked. “Might want to do something about that little tee-pee in your pants first though.”
With a light chuckle, I dropped into my seat and fired up the engine.
Fucking unhealthy, my ass. The only thing unhealthy around here was the size of the chip on that chick’s shoulder. I watched as she revved the engine and sped away, leaving a cloud of exhaust fumes in her wake. Reaching down to adjust my semi, I felt my lips twitch when I thought of Lissa’s hands on my dick. Not gonna lie, I was pretty surprised it hadn’t frozen solid and snapped the fuck off.
Don’t get me wrong, the girl was smokin’. Her face? Fucking flawless. Aqua blue eyes that tilted up at a little at the edge and gave her a slightly exotic look. Porcelain skin, sleek blonde hair. And that body? A straight up ten. Plus, an extra point for the perfection that was her ass. Walking behind her across the parking lot afforded me the kind of unobstructed view guys dreamed about: two peachy globes you could bounce a quarter off of swathed in tight grey leggings that left little to the imagination. She had my dick all sorts of stirred up, which wasn’t necessarily unusual.
The problem wasn’t with the way she looked. It was the fact she was a certified psycho who fucking hated my guts. The vitriol she spewed my way daily attested to that. Never had figured out exactly what I’d done to incite her hatred. I’d asked her a couple of years back what it was about me that pissed her off so much. She’d said my face. Since there wasn’t a lot I could do about that, I’d left her to it. It hadn’t stopped me jacking off to thoughts of her on occasion, though. I’d bet my left nut every guy at Claremont had stroked one out while picturing that tight ass at least once.
But that was as close to tapping it as any of us would ever get.
Lissa gave less than zero fucks about the usual stuff most girls tripped out over; fuck all impressed her. She didn’t give off those come rescue me with your dick vibes, either. Her vibe was more like come near me, and I’ll stick a skewer through your ball sack. Wasn’t worth the aggro.
But the snow queen had just gone and called my dick average. Fucking average? I gripped my hips and gave my head a light shake. Bullshit.
Now, I had a point to prove, and a mission to make the girl eat her fucking words. Preferably along with my dick. I stood in the same spot for a few seconds, a slow grin working its way over my face. Not sure why; no fucking way would this end well.
My phone vibrated against my hip and I slid it out of my pocket, clamping it to my ear with a muttered, “Yo.”
“Where the fuck are you?” Ren clipped. He’d had a hell of a time of it the past few months, so I took his shit like a champ. Plus, I was late as fuck because I’d spent the past twenty minutes ogling Liss’ ass, so…
“Heading to the truck as we speak.” I spun on my heel, flipping my keys around my finger as I walked back toward my truck. “You still at the garage?”
“Yeah. Waiting on your late ass.”
He’d been spending more and more time there lately. It wasn’t just about learning the ropes anymore. He used to work weekends and holidays, but since everything went to shit, he’d been opting to go to the garage instead of class a couple of days a week. Made sense. Graduation was only a couple of months away, and Ren already knew what he’d be doing after school let out. We’d both be sticking around here for the foreseeable.
My uncle was the foreman for a local construction company, and my mother had taken it upon herself to arrange for me to spend the summer working for him to get some experience, citing the fact I lacked direction. The plan—hers—was for me to do an apprenticeship while I got my qualifications at the community college in Richmond.
Her hard-earned cash was no longer good for my less than stellar habits, and now I was living alone in a trailer and cut off. If I wanted to smoke weed and kill my brain cells—her words—I’d have to pay for that shit myself. Or blackmail Jackson Bateman and get some free of charge. The woman underestimated my resourcefulness.
“Be there in a couple of minutes. Why? Got somewhere you need to be? I can just drop this stuff off at your place if I’m holding you up.” I jumped into the truck and hit the speaker button on the phone before tossing it into the cup holder.
“I can wait. Your mom cave yet?”
“Hell no,” I muttered, peering into the rear-view, and teasing the tips of my hair with my fingers. “She’s serious as a heart attack. Had a suitcase full of my shit waiting with your duffle when I dropped by this morning to grovel. She wouldn’t even hear me out. When I texted earlier, asking what time dinner was, she basically told me to fuck off and fend for myself. The woman won’t even feed me now. Chips and dips for dinner tonight. Fucking yum. Got enough for two, if you’re interested?”
A low laugh sounded. “Tempting as that sounds, count me out. Got plans.”
I snorted, my eyes dipping to the phone. “Had plans last night, too, didn’t you?”
He cleared his throat. “Yeah, studying.”
I grinned, hitting the brake as I slid the truck into an open spot on the street opposite the garage. “Yeah, I saw your study partner bolting through the park like a fucking cat burglar. Went well, did it, the study session?”
“Just ask what you want to ask, Le,” Ren said, frustration bleeding into his tone.
I rolled my eyes. This was a conversation best had face to face. “I’m out front. Come get your shit.”
Kicking the door open, I got out of the truck and opened the rear passenger door, then leaned in and grabbed the holdall filled with the stuff Ren had left behind at my place. I turned to see him jog across the street with his coveralls tied around his waist and oil streaks painting his worn vest.
“Mother dearest said you can go back anytime. It’s just the people she shares blood lines with that she tosses out onto the street,” I said and passed him the bag.
He smirked as he took it, letting it hang by his side. “You’re hardly fucking homeless. I don’t even know what you’re whining about; you’re at the trailer every weekend, anyway.”
I rubbed a hand over my jaw and nodded slowly. “Yeah. Trashed the place last weekend, though. She’s pissed about that, too. I’ve got to live in my own squalor or clean it myself. Apparently, there’s a lesson in there somewhere. Fuck if I know what it is. If I find out, I’ll let you know. Might starve to death first.”
“You’re useless. Mommy wipe your ass for you, too?” Ren shook his head, then dug a hand in his pocket and fished out his keys. He twisted his door key loose before handing it over. “Riley made spaghetti last night. Leftovers are in the fridge. Take it and leave, don’t fucking make yourself comfortable.”
I palmed the key with a grin, shoving it in my back pocket. “What? I’m not invited to study?”
He arched a sardonic brow.
I hiked both of mine. “So…”
I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back against the side of the truck. “You and Riley?”
He rolled his neck and met my eyes, his expression guarded. “We’re hanging out.”
The closed off look on his face stopped me from pushing it further. He’d been to hell and back, shut himself off, pushed Riley away for weeks. If he’d let her back in, that meant he was making progress. I wasn’t about to piss on that. But… a few weeks ago, I’d watched that girl fall apart on his bathroom floor, so I couldn’t just stand here and say nothing.
“Does she know that?”
His gaze shifted, trailing down the street and resting
on the Beat’s Burgers sign. He just stared at it for a beat, slapping the side of his fist against his open palm. Then he jammed his hands in his pockets and offered a brusque nod. “Yep.”
I watched with my head cocked as his jaw worked, and I got the sense he wasn’t sure what the hell he wanted. Ragging on the guy after the tragedy he’d been through was the last thing I wanted to do, but I’d spent close to half my life hung up on Riley Mason. I knew now where her head was at, and her heart. I’d accepted it, moved on, but that didn’t mean I’d stopped caring about her. I didn’t want to see her hurt, and the girl deserved a hell of a lot more than half-assed.
“This spaghetti have meatballs?” I asked, changing the subject.
He turned back to me, his dark brows knitted, and his eyes distracted. “Yeah. Huge ones.”
Oh! “Hey, that fucking reminds me,” I said. “Got a ruler at your place?”
His forehead creased. “No idea. Why?”
I pursed my lips and pointed a finger at him. “Need you to do something for me. As part of your homework, get Riley to measure your dick and text me the number.”
“What the fu—”
“I just gave you a valid excuse to get Riley’s hands on your dick. Just fucking do it.”
“You’re weird as fuck. And I don’t need an excuse.”
“Cocky bastard,” I muttered, eyes rolling as I lowered my ass into the drivers’ seat. “Just tell her not to fudge the numbers. No rounding up! If I get even a whiff of foul play, I’ll fucking do it myself.”
“You’re getting nowhere near my dick, asshole.”
“Aw, don’t be like that, Ren. I’ll be gentle.” I winked.
“And I’ll fucking break your teeth.”
I tossed my head back with a laugh and pulled the door shut. Then I started the truck and let it idle for a few seconds, my expression turning serious as I lowered the window and draped an arm out over the frame. “Ren.”
He tipped his chin up and pushed his shoulders back, meeting my stare.
“Don’t fucking break her heart. You hear me?”
His eyes narrowed as he rocked back on his heels, taking his time answering. “Just friends, Le.”
“Sure, you are.” I tapped my fingertips against the metal exterior of the door. “Fair warning though, I’ll kick your ass if you do.”
He swiped the pad of his thumb over the rough surface of his jaw, his dark eyes earnest when they met mine. “I’d kick your ass if you didn’t.”
Dipping my head in a curt nod, I patted the side of the truck and pointed a finger at him. “Don’t forget to measure your dick.”
No fucking chance was Ren’s dick bigger than mine.
A blue-eyed she-devil had me doubting my manhood.
Fucking liberty.
My body jerked upright as I sucked in a breath and blinked the daze from my eyes.
“What the he-eck are you doing?” I said, scowling down at my sister as I kicked at the covers tangled around my legs.
Bella shrugged; her wide blue eyes trained on my face. With her arms wrapped around her bent knees and her narrow chin plopped on top, she looked right at home sitting on my bedroom floor while I slept, freaking me the fuck out. “Aunt Bree told me to wake you.”
I glanced around, rubbing my fingers under my eyes. My mom’s sister started visiting every month about a year ago. She and her husband found out they couldn’t have kids, so she wanted to spend as much time with us as possible. After hanging out with Bella, I couldn’t figure out why the hell she kept coming back.
“So, wake me, don’t sit there and stare at me.”
“You snore,” Bella muttered, flattening her lips.
I blinked down at her. “No, I don’t.”
“Like a pig—”
“Shouldn’t you be at ballet, or something? Go, twirl,” I said, waving her off with a flick of my wrist as I climbed from the bed and stepped around her. Snagging a hair tie from the box on top of the dresser, I twisted my pale blonde hair into a messy bun on top of my head.
“I haven’t done ballet since I was six.”
My brow creased as I turned back to her. “What? I thought you danced on Saturday mornings?”
“I do. Already been. You were sleeping.” She hopped up from the floor and tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder before cocking her hip and parking a hand on it. “I do hip hop now.”
“Hip hop?” I shook my head. “Mom just told me last week she took you to ballet.”
Bella grabbed the waistband of her sweats and tugged them up before plonking her tiny butt down on my bed. “She gets things mixed up. She’s got a lot on her mind.”
My brow creased, concern niggling at me. “Did she say that? What’s on her mind?”
“I don’t know. Mom stuff.” Bella shrugged, her attitude and tone blasé as she brought one leg up and hooked it around the back of her neck. “She says she’s a scatter-brain.”
I winced looking at her. “How in god’s name do you do that?”
Her other leg joined it and she linked her ankles together behind her neck, then fell back with a laugh. “It’s easy,” she said, her head poking out at me from between her legs.
“Okay, stop. It’s freaking me out.” Dropping beside her, I tugged at her contorted limbs, trying to untangle them.
She giggled and rolled around my mattress like a human ball.
“Bells,” I laughed, my fingers finding her sides. She squealed when I tickled her, her scrawny legs unfolding and flailing around wildly until her left foot connected with my right eye.
“Ow!” I clapped a hand over it. “Now look what you did.”
“You started it.” She huffed, standing up.
“Ok, git.” I jabbed a finger at my open door and nudged her shin with my toes. When she didn’t move, I gave a sharp whistle, motioning for her to leave with my head.
Her expression turned scathing, and she aimed a tight glare at my head. “I’m not a dog.”
“No, of course you’re not. They follow commands.”
Skulking across the room, she paused in the doorway and turned back with her brows quirked. “You know what they call female dogs, Liss?”
I blinked my good eye slowly and pointed my finger at her in warning. “Don’t you dare.”
A grin tugged her lips up. “Can’t stop me thinking it,” she said, her high ponytail whipping around her head as she flounced out of the room, leaving me grinding my teeth to dust.
That child had spent way too much time around me. I blew out a breath, regretting every single time I’d sassed my mom in Bella’s presence. The kid was a sponge. She’d sucked up my very essence. I wanted that shit back.
Gingerly patting the tender spot on my face with my fingertips, I grimaced. Fucking ouch.
Man, karma was a female dog. A ten-year-old, hip-hop dancing one, apparently.
A few seconds later, my aunt appeared in the doorway, her light brown eyes smiling and her arms laden down with a basket of clean laundry. “Oh, she’s alive,” she teased, dropping a load of clean clothes on top of my dresser.
“Funny,” I said, grabbing a fluffy towel from the top of the pile.
“Hi, by the way.” She leaned forward to press a kiss to my cheek as my mom appeared behind her with a second basket of laundry.
I turned to face my mother. “Did you see your devil-spawn on the way up here? You need to put a muzzle on her. I’m not even joking.”
Chuckling lightly, she shook her head and walked off down the hall, her short blonde hair sweeping over her shoulders. Bree shook her head with a muttered, “You were worse,” then followed after her.
I trailed behind them both with a light scowl on my face, pausing outside the bathroom doorway when my mom turned back and asked, “You have plans today? It’s hot out.”
“Pool party. Danny’s place.” I glanced down at my watch and grimaced. “Gotta be at Riley’s in twenty minutes.”
She nodded w
ith a smile, then disappeared into her bedroom.
I scrubbed my face in the shower to save time, then wrapped a huge towel around my body and stepped out into a cloud of steam. Flapping one hand in front of me to clear it, I closed my other into a fist and rubbed at the condensation on the mirror above the basin. Loading some toothpaste onto the brush, I popped it in my mouth and opened the door to let some of the steam escape.
My mom sauntered out of her room, an empty basket swinging loosely in her grip. “You have plans today?” she asked when she looked up. “It’s hot out.”
My brows lowered over my eyes as I looked at her blank face. I tugged the toothbrush from my mouth and spat into the sink before rounding on her. “I just told you. Pool party. Danny’s. Do you listen to me?”
She blinked, her pale blue eyes darting down the hall before she gave her head a small shake. “That’s right.”
I watched her with a frown as she gave me a tight smile and walked away. She obviously had more on her mind than I’d realized; I needed to make time to check in more. When my dad walked out, he’d left her with the job of raising two kids alone, and she’d never complained. The woman was a rock star; I didn’t tell her often enough.
“Hey, Mom?”
She turned back to me, and I swallowed. “Thank you.”
“What for?” she asked, brows nipping together.
I looked down and shrugged. “Everything.”
Her eyes shimmered, a wide smile breaking out over her face as she gazed back at me. “I love you, honey.”
I nodded and cleared my throat. “Love you, too, Mom.”
Showy displays of affection weren’t commonplace for me, but every now and then they were necessary. My mom’s beaming face proved it.
“Seen Ri?” I asked Danny as he emerged from the garage, struggling with the eight bottles of soda he had wedged against his bare chest.
Danny brought his distracted hazel-green eyes to mine as the light breeze danced his patterned orange shorts around his legs. “Yeah, Liss, she’s in the garage. Got her chained up in there.”