Untouchable: (Unstoppable - Book 1) (The Unstoppable Series) Page 12
Head pivoting to look at her, I hitched a shoulder, my face a picture of innocence. “Sorry, thought I saw a squirrel.”
Her eyes narrowed, staring daggers into me. “You lie almost as badly as you drive, and that’s saying something.”
Eyes fixed ahead, I held my middle finger up between us. She swiped at it before resuming her passenger driver duties diligently. After a prolonged silence, she shifted and sighed.
“What’s going on with you and Reno?”
A sharp sting zapped through me. I drew in a breath of air, puffing my cheeks and holding it there for a second before releasing.
“I don’t know. He’s been avoiding me. Won’t answer my calls or texts. He hasn’t been home, hasn’t tried to see me. I just... I don’t know. I don’t know if we’re over, if we’re not, you know. He hasn’t said. But I’d say he’s desperately trying to forget everything right now, including me.”
“And that’s what he’s doing tonight? Forgetting about you?”
The tiny sting intensified, gaining momentum and spreading through me, twisting my insides and squeezing my chest. My hands clenched around the wheel. I couldn’t answer her, couldn’t trust myself to speak.
Still chewing on her thumbnail, face contemplative, her concerned gaze swept over me as I eased the car to the side of the road and shifted into park.
“He’s hooking up with some girl in there?”
Tears stung the backs of my eyes. I blinked, squaring my shoulders. I could see a run-down house up ahead. Cars lined the street out front, music blared from the open windows, people staggered around in the yard, laughing and smoking and clutching plastic cups. Leon wouldn’t tell me where they were. Mack had told Facebook, though.
“I don’t know,” I said quietly, knowing it was a lie. “Maybe.”
Her hand squeezed my shoulder, resting there as she spoke.
“He loves you. Anyone with eyes in their head can see that. He just can't see past his own pain.” Clear blue eyes held mine. “But are you sure you want to go in there? Because you won’t be able to forget whatever you see.”
Sucking in a sharp breath, I whispered, “I have to go in.”
Her eyes flushed with sympathy and her fingers gripped mine. “I know. I had to try.”
Narrowed gaze shifting to scan the neighbourhood slowly, she cocked her head and a low whistle sounded from her lips. “Not many people I’d take a night-time stroll through the dark side of Richmond for.”
“Yep,” I breathed, my eyes copying hers.
We exited the car and began making our way down the uneven sidewalk. Trash and dull shards of glass littered the ground. Broken toys scattered the street. A kids' trike lay at the side of the road missing all but one wheel. Claremont was fairly neutral ground. No major discrepancies in wealth. Some were better off financially than others, lived in bigger, nicer houses and had newer cars. The trailer park was as bad as it got, but even then, it was a decent place and well-managed, unlike many others.
Richmond, though, was a tale of two towns. Richmond West, about a twenty-minute drive from Claremont, was super affluent; gated homes with sculpted landscaping and multiple expensive cars lining the drives. But this side, the East side, less than a ten-minute drive away, was a collection of run-down dilapidated shacks, more boarded windows than you could count, and yards overflowing with all manner of crap, surrounded by chain link fencing that made it look like one giant prison.
A rough scraping noise sounded just before a massive black dog burst forward through a jagged hole in the metal fence, lunging for us with its snout drawn back and teeth bared as it barked and snarled. We both screamed at the top of our lungs, immediately jumping back and clutching onto each other, fumbling to run until we noticed the leash holding the beast back. It twisted and pounded its paws against the sidewalk, half of its huge black body inside the yard, the other out.
Bending forward, I planted both palms on the tops of my thighs and inhaled heavily. Liss rested a hand on my back, eyes lasered on the demonic mutt wrestling with the chain that prevented it mauling us to death.
“Jesus-effing-Christ,” I wheezed, shooting a quick glance over my shoulder. “What the hell kind of dog is that?”
“A scary ass motherfucker, that’s what! Look at the thing! It’s legit eyeing me up like it wants to rip my pretty head from my body and snack on it!” She flipped it off, before dragging me up and brushing herself off, glancing warily around before muttering, “Nearly lost my fucking cool there, didn’t I?”
I shot her a sardonic look, eyebrow hiking. “Nearly?”
She bumped me with her shoulder and pinched my arm. “Um, ouch!”
“Do not test me, Riley Mason. I’ve almost died twice tonight already, and that’s before we head into Gangster’s Paradise.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t let you die,” I murmured, not entirely sure I could follow up on my promise as we neared the metal gate hanging on by one hinge. Skirting around it, we were met immediately with a combination of hostility and interest. Sounded about right.
A heavy arm landed around my shoulders before I’d walked three steps inside the yard.
“Damn, baby, you are fucking fine.”
Curbing my eye roll, I resisted shoving him off and causing a scene. I wanted access and I needed someone to escort me inside without question. Might as well be this guy, even if the stench of alcohol and weed rolling off him was overpowering. Glancing back at Liss, I could see she had her own admirer. Lucky us.
Catching her eye, I mouthed okay? She tipped her chin up and made a face before sticking a thumb up sarcastically and calling out, “Never better.” Then she turned her charm on the guy draped all over her. He had no idea what was about to hit him.
Pasting on a coy smile, I glanced up at the asshole who hadn’t heard of deodorant, or cologne, or anything that smelled nice, and fluttered my lashes.
“Hey, I need a drink.”
His eyes gleamed as he led me toward the house. He thought he was in. God, what type of people frequented these parties that this kid thought he’d get lucky with some girl who’d just walked through the door thirty seconds ago? My eyes widened at the sight of a slim blonde sandwiched between two guys, each with one hand under her tight, red skirt and the other kneading her exposed breasts. Well, that answered my question. Pulling my eyes away, I looked back to make sure Liss was following. A small group of girls stood just inside the gate, the same ones who’d tracked our entrance with down-turned lips and cold, narrowed eyes. They tracked our exit the same way.
Distracted by the heavy thump of the bass, the suffocating mass of bodies crowding the small space, and the cloud of smoke obscuring everything around me, I lost sight of Liss as my new friend pulled me along the hall and into a tiny kitchen littered with yet more bodies, more smoke and enough alcohol to supply a small country for a year. I needed to get eyes on Liss. She could handle herself okay in a normal situation, but I wasn’t about to drag her to this crack den in the ass end of Richmond, then leave her to get molested or attacked. Trying to escape this guy was proving difficult, though. His grip on my arm tightened before he slammed it down around my shoulders again, leaning the bulk of his considerable weight on me.
Not particularly giving any fucks if I caused a scene now that he’d escorted me inside, I bent my elbow, brought it up, then rammed it back into BOs ribs as I smashed my heel down on his foot. He grunted, doubling over a bit, but not enough to let go of me. In fact, his face twisted, dropping right in front of mine before he planted his forearm under my neck and pushed me back, knocking people out of the way. Drinks swilled, spilling sticky liquid onto my bare legs.
He pushed until my back met the solid surface of the wall and then thrust his arm up hard, crushing it into the underside of my jaw. Staring him down, I ground my teeth together and bit out, “I need to find my friend.”
Leering eyes roved my face before the tip of his tongue darted out, stroking over his cracked bot
tom lip. Slowly, he swung his head from side to side.
“Nah, girl. You need to stay right here and suck my di—”
His face disappeared before he could finish telling me to blow him. I barely caught sight of his body hurtling through the air before it slammed against the counter, sending bottles crashing to the ground. Some people scattered, others lunged forward, as shouts erupted and the guy dropped to the deck, sprawled out and groaning.
I swallowed, eyes wide, as the person I’d come here for stalked over to the asshole writhing on the floor. Reno looked a breath away from tearing him limb from limb. I couldn’t drag my eyes away as he grabbed a fistful of the guy’s hair and started swinging.
My bloodied hands framed Riley’s flushed cheeks as I dipped low. Bringing our faces level, my sweeping gaze assessed every inch of her. I couldn’t press pause on the image of that fucker’s arm across her neck. A low growl rumbled in my throat, fury coursing through me like acid. Tucking my chin into my chest, I squeezed my eyes closed, trying to work through the rage. I wanted him dead. For daring to lay a finger on her, I wanted to fucking end him. But Riley was here. In the fucking slums of Richmond, at a party full of addicts and fighters. I needed her out of here more than I wanted to stay and pound that guy’s face to dust.
Shaking it off, I brought my eyes back to her face and smoothed my fingers over her cheekbones, frowning at the sight of smeared blood coating her skin from my touch.
“We gotta fucking split, dude,” Leon yelled behind me. “Move your ass, Lissa!”
Gripping Riley’s hand in mine, I tugged her behind me, shifting my grip to her wrist when it kept slipping in my hold.
Blood. Why was there always blood between us these days? I shook my head as we ducked out of the door, a chorus of shouts ringing out behind us.
My heart was still pounding, beating like a mother-fucking train. It had been since Liss had appeared out of thin air, shouting about some guy hauling Riley off. I’d been two seconds from passing out, ass planted on a battered sofa that had more of its foam scattered around the room than inside the fucker. Liss' words had hit me like a bucket of ice water.
Scrubbing a hand over my face as we raced down the sidewalk, I slanted a glance down at Riley, who still hadn’t said a word to me. Snaking an arm around her waist, I increased my pace, moving us down the sidewalk. I could hold my own, so could the guys. Probably couldn’t hold fifty of them between us.
Stopping outside of Leon’s truck, I gripped the handle and flung it open, tossing Riley inside. She dropped onto the seat without argument, shifting along before stilling suddenly, her head snapping up. “My mom's car! I came in my mom’s car. I can’t leave it!”
Looking down at her, I exhaled roughly, pinching the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefinger as I shot a glance behind us. I tapped my fingers against the door impatiently, thinking, debating the probability of being able to drive Riley’s car back without totalling it—given the bottle of whiskey I’d downed tonight, it seemed low.
Puffing out a breath, I thrust out a palm. “Keys.”
Riley reached under her butt and fished around in her pocket before depositing a bunch of keys in my hand.
“Here, man,” Mack called, arm raised. “I got it.”
Tossing him the keys, I waited until he and Danny rounded the side of Riley’s car, then I hopped into Le's truck and slammed the door closed. Liss sat perched on her knees in the passenger seat, facing the back of the car, her eyes trained on Riley’s bent head. Leon thrust the car into drive and sped off down the street.
“You okay, babe?” Liss asked Riley, leaning forward to tap her outstretched fingers along Riley’s bent knee.
Riley’s head jerked up. “What? Oh, um, yeah, I’m good.” She nodded, lips flattening before she twisted to face the window. Liss patted her knee once more before spinning around in her seat, then flying halfway across the center console when Le rounded a corner too sharply.
“Fuck's sake, Leon!” she screeched, scowling at him, her lip curling up as she righted herself. “I almost landed in your fucking lap! I’ve got a frickin skirt on here... I could have caught something! I mean, Christ, I’d want to be wearing full PPE before I came into contact with that nasty thing. Jesus!” She gave an exaggerated shudder.
I rolled my eyes back, rocking the back of my head against the fabric of the seat cushion.
“Fuck you, Alissa!”
Her frown deepened. He'd used her full name to piss her off. Worked every time.
“I wouldn’t fuck you with someone else’s vagina, pretty boy.”
“Pretty boy? You know, you could put that smart mouth of yours to better use by wrapping it around my dick.”
“Yeah, Leon, I’ll suck your dick,” she mocked, miming sucking dick with her hand and mouth, “just as soon as you’ve dipped it in bleach.”
“Fucking brutal,” Leon said, pushing a hand through his hair.
“You forget I know where that’s been.” She fake gagged.
“Hey! I always wrap it before I tap it.”
“Aw look at you, putting that last little brain cell in your head to good use. Gotta say I’m surprised.” Leon grinned wide. “And grateful... nobody needs that gene pool expanded,” she deadpanned.
The smile dropped off his face.
Liss turned to the front, her face stoic. “Still wouldn’t fuck you with my blow-up doll.”
Le full on scowled now, shaking his head and muttering under his breath as he turned away from her. Seemingly in defeat.
Yeah, give up, man, you ain’t gonna win this one.
Slumping back in the seat, I let my head fall to the side. Riley’s cheek rested against the window, lids closed.
“Drop me at my place, Le,” I said. Her body tensed for a split second at my words, fingers twitching in her lap. Voice low to avoid being overheard, I murmured, “You okay?”
Her head dipped once in a curt nod, her fingernails tracing circle patterns on her thigh as she stared out the window. Every so often a brief flash of light cut into the car, illuminating the soft planes and angles of her face, contrasting with her troubled expression, before fading out again as we crossed over into Claremont.
“You guys good?” Leon asked uncertainly, his gaze flicking between the two of us as we got out of the car at the entrance to the trailer park. Clearly at a loss of what the fuck to do with us.
Riley stuck up a thumb, not looking at him.
I stood, my hands jammed in my pockets, watching her.
“We’re good, Le.”
Riley walked off toward my trailer. I followed.
“Can I get you something?” I asked, stepping aside to let her go on ahead of me, flipping the switch by the kitchen. “If I have anything,” I tacked on.
“You do,” she mumbled.
I nodded. My eyes lifted to take a slow sweep of the place I’d called home for the past fifteen years. It didn’t feel that way now. I coughed, gaze swinging back to Riley, and forced all the crap that wanted to rise to the surface back down.
“You’ve been coming by?”
She leaned back against the counter and sighed. “Yeah.”
“You didn’t need to do that.”
She shrugged, crossing slim arms over her chest. “I wanted to.”
Eyes intent on hers, I said, “You shouldn’t.”
She ducked her head, a curtain of wavy blonde hair falling forward to cloak her face. I couldn’t see her reaction, but the pain and frustration bled into her words unchecked.
“Why not? Because you’re hurting, and you don’t want me to see it? Because you don’t want to be with me anymore? Because we had sex and you think you did something wrong? All the above? What?” Her head came up.
“I don't fucking think I did something wrong, Riley. I did do something wrong!”
Holding her arms out, she held my eyes; hers flashed defiantly. “I wanted it to be you.”
ke that?” I demanded, voice rising as I jabbed a finger in the direction of my bedroom door. “That’s what you wanted?”
“Does it matter how it happened?”
“Fuck yes, it does!” I roared. “I don’t even fucking remember it, Riley!”
I saw her flinch, watched those big green eyes well. She looked away, clearing her throat. “And what about tonight? Do you remember that?”
I didn’t respond.
Her throat worked, hard eyes swinging back to me. “Did you have sex with someone tonight?”
“No, I didn’t.” I’d thought about it. Couldn’t fucking do it, though.
“Kiss someone?”
“No.” My eyes cut sharply to hers before I could stop them, the emphatic denial breaking through my lips without hesitation. Probably should have lied, made her hate me. But I couldn’t let her think I’d put my lips on some random chick. That was for her, and her only. Even if everything was fucked up beyond repair.
Her chin wobbled slightly as she nodded, her shoulders rising with her extended inhalation.
“But you did something?”
Pushing further into the room, my silence answer enough, I strode past her and jerked the refrigerator door open. My chest constricted at the sight of the groceries lined neatly on the glass shelves. She’d shopped, filled the fridge, cleaned the place. For me. My fingers squeezed around the door.
I’d let some chick hang all over me, let her hands roam my chest and lips trail my neck. I’d sat there like a fucking mannequin as she’d climbed up and straddled me, her body grinding into mine. I hadn’t touched her, but I hadn’t stopped her either. Leon had looked seconds away from beating my ass the entire time. Pity had stopped him. He hadn’t said it. Hadn’t needed to. I recognized the look by now. And you didn’t punch a guy who was grieving, who's entire fucking family just fell off the face of the earth.
I wished he had. I’d fucking wanted him to. Hitting the guy who’d murdered O hadn’t even come close to providing the relief I’d been hoping for. Taking a hit, though? That gave me a minute's fucking peace from the shit storm that was my mind. Letting some girl dry hump me to take my brain off Riley? It did the exact opposite. All I could goddamn think about was Riley. And when this chick had gone for my belt, I’d bolted. Moved her off and walked away.